Thursday, 18 March 2021

Tony Hutchinson

Tony Hutchinson is one of the more shadowy figures in the Who's Who chronology of characters to play a part, albeit at the periphery, in the nuanced and complicated Highgate Vampire tale. He is referred to on pages 112-113 of the hardback edition of The Highgate Vampire (Gothic Press, 1991). Seen on the far right in this extremely rare photograph of him with David Farrant in front of the North Gate, Hutchinson is the man who photographed David Farrant in the terrace catacombs and elsewhere in the western cemetery nocturnally in early 1970. The borrowed double-breasted jacket worn by David Farrant in the photographs taken in the catacombs belonged to Tony Hutchinson.

Tony Hutchinson comments briefly on the Quantum Queries video that contains interpolated commentary. Hutchinson's use of the initials "UA" indicates "Useless Article," a term of abuse he used (and still uses) exclusively when referring to David Farrant. Click on his e-mail to view the video:

David Farrant wearing Tony Hutchinson's double-breasted jacket, as the latter takes photographs in the catacombs at Highgate Cemetery in 1970. David Farrant shines his torch on a damaged coffin.

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