Thursday 13 June 2019

Open Graves, Closed Minds

Today the majority of folk not only dismiss the existence of vampires, but also most anything else remotely belonging to the supernatural. Montague Summers and Seán Manchester, however, tend to subscribe to the view that cases of vampirism have been stifled and covered up by those in authority. So has much else, of course, and the recent inaccurate portrayals of the vampire and vampirism in films and literature only serve to assist this endeavour of disinformation. Furthermore, most people have built in “slides” that short circuit the mind’s critical examination process when it comes to certain sensitive topics. “Slides” is a CIA term for a condition type of response which dead ends a person’s thinking and terminates debate or examination of the topic at hand. Any mention of the word “vampire,” for example, often solicits a “slide” response with most people.

Owing to the incredible bombardment of information (and thereby also misinformation) via the media, television, radio and, not least, the new information technology, people are probably far less open-minded than they were hitherto. Hence they dismiss the existence of the vampire phenomenon without prior examination. This principle of prior contempt cannot fail to keep people in everlasting ignorance of the undead. Notwithstanding the natural predilection nowadays to dismiss any notion of vampires, when a BBC poll was conducted to coincide with an online discussion with Seán Manchester on the subject the result was interesting. The question put to those who visited the BBC website was: “Do you believe in vampires?” 47.4% said they did not believe, but an encouraging 52.6% said that they did believe in the existence of vampires.

The vampire is a predatory entity that feeds on the life-force of others. It is but one of many types of demon. However, in all the darkest pages of the malign supernatural there is no more terrible tradition than that of the vampire, a pariah even among demons. When the undead is exorcised by impalement the corporeal shell returns to earthly time instantaneously; the demonic presence is expelled as the accompanying rite of exorcism is uttered followed by a prayer for the dead.


"You  have abused your membership by making malicious comments about me and  my colleagues on other sites."  —  Bill Hughes 

As with his "vampire hoax" allegation, no example to support this claim has been provided by Bill Hughes, Sam George, or indeed anyone else.

"You have stolen and reposted copyrighted material (which  will be dealt with appropriately)." —  Bill Hughes

Links to websites and Facebook pages can cause images to appear. All he had to do was send a message that he objected to such links. He instead contacted Facebook to complain. They removed the links.

"I'm sure you'll be happier confined  to your own space away from the company of those who want to conduct  authentic scholarly discussions. He's [Robert Darnley's] blocked now." —  Bill Hughes

This said by someone who is a member of a "Free Speech" group on Facebook. Yet he shies-away-from a sober conversation from someone making the point that if one uses such emotive language as "hoax" it is incumbent upon the user to back that statement up. Bill Hughes did not. 

"But don't go calling it a hoax where he [Robert Darnley] or Sean Manchester can see —  they are deranged and actually very nasty."  —  Bill Hughes

Publishing that two individuals are "deranged," one of them in Holy Orders and a public figure for approximately half a century, is libellous.

There is only one nasty person in all this, and that is Bill Hughes who has been unable to provide a shred of evidence for his malicious allegations, hiding away the moment any challenge is made, making him a coward, as well as a liar and hypocrite. Better that he had never opened his mouth in the first place than repeatedly place his foot in it. 

Click on the above image to view the video narrated by Samantha George.

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